13 Mar 2020 07:06, Förvärv, Effnetplattformen AB, Hans Erik Runesten I Norden AB (publ), Adrian Theodor Westman, Head of IR, 200, Antal, 23 SEK.


Investor Relations Today, IBM has laid the foundation for a new era of technology and business. See the Q4 2020 Earnings Announcement Explore the 2020 Annual Report Earnings & financials. Financial reporting. Latest annual report. Dividends. Stock charts. Stock history. IBM

Blikk Sverige AB. Country: Piteå, Norrbotten, Sweden. Sales Revenue ($M):. 1.025124M. Effnetplattformen AB. Country: Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden. Ilija Batljan i IR-podden: ”Vi ser nya möjligheter i hela Norden” som Ilija Batljan gjort av Effnetplattformen via sitt bolag Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden  EARNERS ALLIANCE HOLDING AB - Effnetplattformen AB möten med investerare eller finansanalytiker. svarar Investor Relations på frågor.

Effnetplattformen investor relations

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Tattooed Chef’s signature products include ready-to-cook bowls, zucchini 2019-10-18 Effnetplattformen Dividend AB (publ) är moderbolag i en koncern med verksamhet inom avancerad digital kommunikation. Moderbolagets uppgift är att utveckla detta teknikbolag samt baserat på moderbolagets noteringsplattform, investeringskapacitet och kompetens notera, investera i och driva noterade bolag i syfte att skapa ett ökat värde för våra aktieägare. Stockholm, 2016-04-20 -- Effnetplattformen AB (publ) Aktieägarna i Effnetplattformen AB (publ) kallas härmed till årsstämma fredagen den 20 maj 2016, kl. 10.00 Investor Relations. Press Releases; Documents; Financial Calendar; FAQ; Management & Board; Company Presentation; Share Owners; Certified Adviser; CONTACT US EFFNETPLATTFORMEN AB (PUBL) : Forcasts, revenue, earnings, analysts expectations, ratios for EFFNETPLATTFORMEN AB (PUBL) Stock | EFFP | SE0009522451 2016-12-06 07:00. Stockholm, 6 december 2016 -- Effnetplattformen AB (publ), hädanefter "Moderbolaget", blir fastighetsbolag och byter namn till Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB (publ), hädanefter "SBB".

Tax Planning; Personal Finance; Save for College; Save for Retirement; Invest in Retirement Stockholm, 20 april 2017 -- Årsstämma i Effnetplattformen Dividend AB (under pågående namnändring till Effnetplattformen AB) hölls i Stockholm den 20 april 2017. Årsredovisning, resultatdisp Find out if EFFP (XSTO) is the best investment for you.

Aktien - Safeture AB – Investor Relations; Aktier på väg till börsen. Effnetplattformen köper 61 procent av aktierna i Tessin genom att förvärva 

BGHL seeks to achieve this by investing in BG Fund (“the Fund”). In addition, a the Company's website: www.bgholdingltd.com (Investor Relations > Financial  Investor relations.

Investor Relations Corporate Profile. Tattooed Chef is a leading plant-based food company offering a broad portfolio of innovative plant-based food products that taste great and are sustainably sourced. Tattooed Chef’s signature products include ready-to-cook bowls, zucchini

Effnetplattformen investor relations

While the apps they built resonated with users, they struggled to efficiently scale their user bases and grow revenue. Stockholm, 20 april 2017 -- Årsstämma i Effnetplattformen Dividend AB (under pågående namnändring till Effnetplattformen AB) hölls i Stockholm den 20 april 2017. Årsredovisning, resultatdisposition och ansvarsfrihet Resultaträkning och balansräkning för moderbolaget och koncernen för det förkortade räkenskapsåret 2016 fastställdes, styrelsens och VD:s förslag till resultatdisposition godkändes och … Effnetplattformen. SMA (Simple Moving Average), eller Glidande Medelvärde, visar det genomsnittliga värdet historiskt för det intervall du väljer.

Effnetplattformen investor relations

As at 31 December 2019.
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Effnetplattformen investor relations

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Effnetplattformen has plenty of cash in the bank, with cash in excess of all liabilities sitting at kr20m Om Effnetplattformen AB (publ) Effnetplattformen AB (publ), org.nr 559085-5721, handlas på Nasdaq First North Growth Market (symbol EFFP).
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Moderbolaget Effnetplattformen ämnar att investera och utveckla diverse bolag med notering, ägarspridning samt kapitalanskaffning. 2020: ARR +42% year-on-year to NOK 146 million, supported by DinERP and Effectplan acquisitions; Revenue +47% to NOK 37.5 million in Q4 2020 and +33% to NOK 124.8 million for the full year The Ericsson Investor Relations, website contains information about Ericsson for current stockholders, potential investors and institutional analysts, regarding stock information, earnings reports, SEC filings, upcoming events, investor news and more. Investor Relations Manager, Financial Communications and Private Investors Tel: +358 44 518 1518 mans.holmberg@fortum.com.

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Stockholm, Sweden– Tessin Nordic AB (publ) – is announcing that it intends to execute a listing on Nasdaq First North Growth market through a reverse takeover. This will be accomplished through an agreement between Effnetplattformen (Nasdaq: EFFP) and the majority shareholders in Tessin, including the two largest, Stronghold Invest AB and NFT Ventures 1 KB.

Please note that Effnetplattformen Dividend AB changed its name to Effnetplattformen AB on 20 April 2017.

Effnetplattformen is a smaller company with a market capitalization of kr74m, so it may still be flying under the radar of many institutional investors. In the chart below below, we can see that institutional investors have bought into the company. Let’s take a closer look to see what the different types of shareholder can tell us about EFFP.

Email, investor.relations@effnetdividend.se. Web adress  0920 609 18 eller e-post investor.relations@effnetplattformen.se. Vid anmälan skall uppges namn och personnummer/organisationsnummer, adress och  e-post på adress investor.relations@effnetplattformen.se. Vid anmälan skall uppges namn och personnummer/organisationsnummer, adress  Research Powered Investment Banking. Discover Investor Meet: Hexatronic Group Q1-report.

Effnetplattformen belongs to the Technology sector and is the 37th company to be admitted to trading on First North’s Nordic markets (Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen and Iceland) in 2014. Investor relations Eaton’s mission is to improve the quality of life and the environment through the use of power management technologies and services. We provide sustainable solutions that help our customers effectively manage electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical power – … Den här sidan ger en fördjupad profil av Effnetplattformen Dividend AB, inklusive en allmän översikt av företagets affärsverksamhet och ansvarig ledning. 2021-04-15 The Investor Relations website contains information about Henry Schein's business for stockholders, potential investors, and financial analysts. Some of our reference customers. Due to very strict confidentiality clauses in many of our contracts we are only able to name a few reference customers.