TH-F7E, K2, FT-920, Yaesu NewCAT, IC-7000, IC-7800, IC-910, IC-718, IC-756PROIII, Tentec Orion, Jupiter, RX320, AOR-8000, PCR-1000, Video4Linux, alla 


Made a couple of errors i tuned the first time at 3 watts but it automatically tunes to 20 no matter what the power setting is, forgot to show the sweep.Spot

Låter som en intressant rigg. Finns det nån i Linköpingstrakten som kan Storheter som CORSAIR-II, Paragon, OMNI VI och JUPITER har avlöst varandra med mycket goda resultat. Denna rigg har precis börjat marknadsföras [1][2] och  See the CW decode feature of the new Jupiter HF rig. 6:45. Videolängd. Ten-Tec 10th Annual Hamfest Ten-Tec Jupiter, HF Transceiver.

Tentec jupiter

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2019-12-19 Second Hand TenTec Jupiter 538 The JUPITER 538 is no ordinary HF transceiver. The TEN-TEC team of active hams focused on one major design objective. Organize all the outstanding JUPITER features on a front panel that is simple and logical to use without the instruction manual tied to your wrist. So many modern HF rigs fail miserably by this measure.


Ten-Tec Jupiter aka PegasusFP category is a curation of 7 web resources on , Ten-Tec Jupiter CW copying and keyboard transmit, W0IPL Ten-Tec Jupiter Review, Ten-Tec Jupiter 538 Repair. Resources listed under Ten-Tec Jupiter category belongs to HF Transceivers main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators.

Granted, there may be more flexibility in the other systems but Ten-Tec's radios are a complete solution. Jupiter is no ordinary HF transceiver. The TEN-TEC focused on one major design objective. Organize all the outstanding Pegasus features on a front panel that is simple and logical to use without the instruction manual tied to your wrist So many modern HF rigs fail miserably by this measure.

TEN-TEC 538 Jupiter. May 6, 2016B Admin0 Comments How to Operate the Jupiter in 'Pegasus Emulation Mode', tt_538_GUI_instructions. 538 PLD Update 

Tentec jupiter

fully test this item. this was removed from an estate as shown was in operation when. removed and was sitting for a while until the estate settled. My Ten-Tec Jupiter Model 538 HF Transceiver celebrated its 10th anniversary in my ham radio shack. I wrote a review of it for the May, 2001, issue of BARC’s Bark, … As a Ten-tec Jupiter owner, this makes me sad and disappointed "I can't reply to every email of somebody asking if we are still in business.

Tentec jupiter

I have my opinion, but you decide. Micro-Code Updates. This unit came with 60M enabled and other updates so I have not needed to do a micro-code update. Operation
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Tentec jupiter

Model: 538 Jupiter - Ten-Tec Inc.; Sevierville TN: Material: Metal case : Shape: Tablemodel, with any shape - general. Dimensions (WHD) 12.125 x 5 x 13 inch / 308 x 127 x 330 mm : Notes: The Ten-Tec 538 Jupiter is a transceiver covering the 160-10 meter amateur bands in USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM and AFSK modes with 5-100 watts output. Net weight (2 That's not listed as a Jupiter command in the current Jupiter Programming Reference Guide at Ten-Tec's rfsquared site.

About Ten-Tec Jupiter The resource is currently listed in in a single category. The main category is Ten-Tec Jupiter that is about Ten-Tec Jupiter aka PegasusFP. This link is listed in our web site directory since Thursday Sep 10 2009, and till today "Ten-Tec Jupiter" has been followed for a Made a couple of errors i tuned the first time at 3 watts but it automatically tunes to 20 no matter what the power setting is, forgot to show the sweep.Spot 2012-10-02 · Without much, if any, announcement TenTec has quietly dropped the TenTec 538 Jupiter. Rumored for some months was TenTec likely dropping the model when supplies on had were depeleted of main boards and certain short supply components.
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2011-04-22 · The Jupiter web site ( said that the max voltage for the Jupiter was 14v. So, I sent an inquiry to Ten Tec explaining my situation. Scott Robbins, W4PA, the Ten Tec amateur product line manager, fielded my query. After a few e-mail exchanges, he offered to loan me a Jupiter to try out with my solar power supply!

Jupiter—is a standalone radio that still manages to  Section 2 consists of the 6x2 receiver, Timewave DSP Audio Filter, and the TenTec Jupiter transceiver, along with their associated accessories. The 6x2 receiver  Congratulations on selecting the JT-11 tuner for your Ten-Tec Jupiter transceiver. This tuner, when installed, will be fully integrated with your transceiver, and will  TEN-TEC 538 Jupiter. May 6, 2016B Admin0 Comments How to Operate the Jupiter in 'Pegasus Emulation Mode', tt_538_GUI_instructions.

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Jupiter is no ordinary HF transceiver. The TEN-TEC focused on one major design objective. Organize all the outstanding Pegasus features on a front panel that is 

EUR 18,16. +EUR 3,92 Versand. Aus Großbritannien · Ten-Tec  Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Ten Tec USB Cat/Programming cable TenTec Jupiter Argonaut V Orion Pegasus Omni VII  25 Sep 2001 [TenTec] Microphones for Ten Tec (Jupiter) Transceivers drive my new Jupiter..

The Ten-Tec Jupiter has an automatic antenna tuner built in. It must be activated to transmit with the loop antenna. Pressing the tune button causes the radio to 

I am an experienced HF'er and have owned and operated Ten Tec's for years and also currently own the 'top of the line' Ten Tec Orion 2, and rigs from Icom, 756 ProII and others. The new Jupiter is … View and Download Ten-Tec Jupiter 538 Series manual online. Upgrading the Jupiter PLD (Programmable Logic Device) to add support for a plug-in keyboard. Jupiter 538 Series transceiver pdf manual download. View and Download Ten-Tec Jupiter 538 operator's manual online.

With original Owner's Manual.[06/05] W208 Ten-Tec Jupiter 538 $899.95 SOLD HF Transceiver The Ten-Tec Jupiter transceiver covers the 160-10 ham bands. It has a large LCD display.The rear panel has many I/O jacks.